Axie Scholar Utilities Wiki


Wiki pages for the axie scholar utilities tool.

View the Project on GitHub FerranMarin/axie-scholar-utilities

Install Using Docker On MacOs

Install Docker

Best thing I can do for this bit is send you to follow the instructions in the official docker documentation.

Use the image from docker-hub

Every successful build of my code produces a Docker image that is stored here.

After you’ve downloaded docker, you simply need to execute this command to download the latest image:

docker pull epith/axie-scholar-utilities

Before going further, make sure you have zsh as your shell interpreter, for that run (it will ask for your computer password):

chsh -s /bin/zsh

If you go this route, I recomend also setting up these alias in your terminal to execute commands easier:

# Alias to generate secrets
axie-utils-gen-secrets() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/payments.json -v ${PWD}/${2}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json epith/axie-scholar-utilities generate_secrets files/payments.json files/secrets.json}
# Alias to managed generate secrets
axie-utils-managed-gen-secrets() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json epith/axie-scholar-utilities managed_generate_secrets files/secrets.json ${2}}
# Alias to generate payments
axie-utils-gen-payments() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/payments.csv -v ${PWD}/${2}:/opt/app/files/payments.json epith/axie-scholar-utilities generate_payments files/payments.csv files/payments.json}
# Alias to mass update secrets
axie-utils-mass-update() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/update.csv -v ${PWD}/${2}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json epith/axie-scholar-utilities mass_update_secrets files/update.csv files/secrets.json}
# Alias to execute claims
axie-utils-claim() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/payments.json -v ${PWD}/${2}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json -v ${PWD}/files/logs:/opt/app/logs epith/axie-scholar-utilities claim files/payments.json files/secrets.json}
# Alias to managed execute claims
axie-utils-managed-claim() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json -v ${PWD}/files/logs:/opt/app/logs epith/axie-scholar-utilities claim files/secrets.json ${2}}
# Alias to execute payments
axie-utils-payout() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/payments.json  -v ${PWD}/${2}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json -v ${PWD}/files/logs:/opt/app/logs epith/axie-scholar-utilities payout files/payments.json files/secrets.json}
# Alias to managed execute payments
axie-utils-managed-payout() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json -v ${PWD}/files/logs:/opt/app/logs epith/axie-scholar-utilities managed_payout files/secrets.json ${2}}
# Alias to execute auto-payments (no confirmation)
axie-utils-auto-payout() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/payments.json -v ${PWD}/${2}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json -v ${PWD}/files/logs:/opt/app/logs epith/axie-scholar-utilities payout files/payments.json files/secrets.json -y}
# Alias to managed execute auto-payments (no confirmation)
axie-utils-managed-auto-payout() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json -v ${PWD}/files/logs:/opt/app/logs epith/axie-scholar-utilities managed_payout files/secrets.json ${2} -y}
# Alias to execute axie transfers
axie-utils-transfer-axies() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/transfers.json -v ${PWD}/${2}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json -v ${PWD}/files/logs:/opt/app/logs epith/axie-scholar-utilities transfer_axies files/transfers.json files/secrets.json}
# Alias to generate transfers file
axie-utils-gen-transfers() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/transfers.csv -v ${PWD}/${2}:/opt/app/files/transfers.json epith/axie-scholar-utilities generate_transfer_axies files/transfers.csv files/transfers.json}
# Alias to execute generate_qr
axie-utils-gen-QR() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/payments.json -v ${PWD}/${2}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json -v ${PWD}:/opt/app/files epith/axie-scholar-utilities generate_QR files/payments.json files/secrets.json}
# Alias to execute managed generate_qr
axie-utils-managed-gen-QR() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json -v ${PWD}:/opt/app/files epith/axie-scholar-utilities managed_generate_QR files/secrets.json ${2}}
# Alias to generate breedings file
axie-utils-gen-breedings() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/breedings.csv -v ${PWD}/${2}:/opt/app/files/breedings.json epith/axie-scholar-utilities generate_breedings files/breedings.csv files/breedings.json}
# Alias to breed axies
axie-utils-axie-breeding() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/breedings.json -v ${PWD}/${2}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json -v ${PWD}/files/logs:/opt/app/logs epith/axie-scholar-utilities axie_breeding files/breedings.json files/secrets.json}
# Alias to morph axies
axie-utils-axie-morphing() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json -v ${PWD}/files/logs:/opt/app/logs epith/axie-scholar-utilities axie_morphing files/secrets.json ${2}}
# Alias to scatter ron
axie-utils-scatter-ron() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/payments.json  -v ${PWD}/${2}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json -v ${PWD}/files/logs:/opt/app/logs epith/axie-scholar-utilities scatter_ron files/payments.json files/secrets.json ${3}}
# Alias to managed scatter ron
axie-utils-managed-scatter-ron() {docker run -it -v ${PWD}/${1}:/opt/app/files/secrets.json -v ${PWD}/files/logs:/opt/app/logs epith/axie-scholar-utilities managed_scatter_ron files/secrets.json ${2} ${3}}

If you do not want to re-introduce these ‘alias’ everytime, you can add the previous lines in zshrc. The easiest way to do so is to run the following in the console:

open ~/.zshrc
# That will open the file in a window, add the aliases there, once saved and closed do:
source ~/.zshrc

After this, you do not need to re-enter such aliases again, you can simply use them.

To learn how to run the commands, please follow this link

Build docker image from repository

If you do not want to rely on the image I provide on docker hub, you can build it from the repository. To do that, first you need to download my code, either download it as a zip and unzip it, or git clone it (whatever is easier for you).

After that, navigate using your terminal to the docker folder.Once there create a folder named files (this is where we will place our payments and secret file), we will link that folder from our host to the docker container.

Once we reach this point. Use the following command to build the docker image:

docker-compose build scholar-utilities

To learn how to run the commands, please follow this link